Trademark Opposition
Trademark Opposed or want to file an Opposition ??
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What is it? | Why Needed? | Documents Required | Service Package | FAQs
Trademark Opposition
Trademark examiner publishes the trademark application for public review and oppositions for a period of 4 months to be countered within 2 months.

Post the approval on trademark application given by the the Trade Mark Registrar, The Registrar then publishes the application for advertisement in the Trademark Journal. Post which, any person is allowed to oppose the registration if they (individual/businesses) may feel that registration of the mark would not be fair to them. On getting a trademark opposition, the trademark applicant is required to file a counter with the Trademark Registrar within 2 months of getting it.
Legal Brother’s is clearly an expert in trademark registrations and filing trademark counter statement for pan India locations. You may contact us to get your trademark registrations in easy and affordable way in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Kanpur, Bareilly, Lucknow, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Ludhiana, Faridabad, Meerut, Varanasi, Srinagar, Amritsar, Allahabad, Chandigarh, Bareilly, Moradabad, Gurgaon, Aligarh, Jalandhar or any other cities in India.
Why Needed: Reasons & Benefits
The Features and benefits of Trademark objection/ Reply are:

Prevent Piracy, unique identity
You would want your customers to identify your products or services with yours only. Registering your trademark is the first step toward ensuring
this. The court would then stop any similar words or slogans from being registered.

Legal Protection
If you believe your registered trademark is being infringed, it is easy to establish your right to it in court. If you haven’t registered the word, slogan
or logo, you would not be able to do so. Particularly in sectors in which piracy is rampant, trademark registration is essential.

Earn royalties
Businesses can earn huge money in royalties through licensing agreements or even transfer ownership to interested parties through assignment agreements.
Documents Required
- Trademark Details
Like application Number
- POA (Power of Attorney)
As it was used while filing the registration
- Supporting documents
Documents that may support the reason of applying for the specific trademark symbol, named logo etc.
Our Services Packages
- Apply for trademark registration in one class and track status
- Apply for trademark registration in two classes and track status
Frequently Asked Question
What is the proof of objection given from the trademark authority?
The trademark authority issues an examination report and make it publically available on the IPR website. The same is the authentic objection proof.