Society Registration
For organizations running for charitable purpose
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What is it? | Why Needed? | Documents Required | Service Package | FAQs
Society Registration
Society is an organization registered under The Society Act, 1860 with the motive of advancements of charitable activities like Health, Education, sports, music etc.

A society is an association of several individuals to deliberate, govern and act cooperatively for some communal purpose. Societies are usually registered for the advancement of charitable activities like sports, music, culture, religion, art, education, etc. According to the Society Act 1860, society is a member-based organizational form for charitable purpose with minimum of 7 member or more. Running under/regulated by a governing body or a committee. Unlike with trusts, all societies come under the preview of Indian law. Societies in India come under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Legal Brother’s has a team of experts in Society Registration (NGO) for pan India locations. You may contact us to get your Society Registration (NGO) in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Kanpur, Bareilly, Lucknow, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Ludhiana, Faridabad, Meerut, Varanasi, Srinagar, Amritsar, Allahabad, Chandigarh, Bareilly, Moradabad, Gurgaon, Aligarh, Jalandhar or any other cities in India.
According to Society Registration Act,1860 (section 20), a society registration can be done for following purposes:
- Promotion of fine arts.
- Diffusion of political education.
- Grant of charitable assistance.
- Promotion of science and literature
- Creation of military orphan funds
- Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum
- Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries
- Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge
Memorandum of Association (MOA)
- The MoA includes several clauses such as the name of the society, address of the registered office, object for the formation of society and details of the general body.

Society Registration act, 1860: Rules and Regulations
A well formulated, signed and certified by three main bearers of the society (Like the Chairman, President and Vice- president or secretary and the president; to address the following questions:
- How is membership and subscription to be obtained to the society?
- What rules and regulations govern the society and its members?
- How are meetings to be organized (their frequency, calling for the meeting and so on)?
- How will the committee or governing body be formed?
- When will auditors be appointed?
- How will legal matters be settled?
- What can be the reasons for dissolution?
The society registrations process comprises two parts:
- Memorandum of Association
- Rules and regulations of the society
Why Needed: Reasons & Benefits
The Features and benefits of Society Registration are:

Easy to Start
The firm can be register by simple deed execution and application of PAN card.

Minimal compliance
General Partnerships need to file Income taxes (service and sales tax) depending on turnover. Annual compliances are fewer as compared to an LLP. But don’t not need to appoint an auditor or even file annual accounts with the registrar only if unregistered.

Comparatively inexpensive
A General Partnership is cheaper not only in start but even over the long-term due to the minimal compliance requirements. , is inexpensive. businesses may opt for it. Even cheaper than starting an LLP.
Documents Required
- PAN Card
PAN Cards of all the members of the proposed society has to be submitted along with the application.
- Memorandum of Association
contain the following clauses and information such as the work and the objectives of the society for which it is being established, the address of the registered office of the society and the details of the members forming the society
- The residence proof
all the members of the society also has to submit the following documents: Bank Statement, Aadhar Card, Utility Bill, Driving License, Passport
- Articles of Association
Information like rules to govern the society, auditor’s information, details of society meetings and frequency and many more.
- Proof of address
where the registered office of the society will be located along with a NOC from the landlord if any has to be attached.
- Covering letter
Letter containing the objective or the purpose of society formation that is signed by all the founding members of the society.
- List of all the members
list of all the members of the governing body has to be given along with their signatures.
- Declaration of the post
A declaration has to be given by the president of the proposed society that he is willing and competent to hold the said post.
Frequently Asked Question
How can I form a society?
You can form a society if you are seven or more people associated for any literary, scientific or charitable purpose, or purposes described under Section 20, the society act.